Low Voltage Systems

ABB is worldwide leader in the production of low voltage switchgears with more than 1.4 million of MNS systems installed since the introduction of this technology in the market in 1973.
The realization of both flexible and compact solutions was possible thanks to a strong application of the modularity concept either for the mechanical or electrical development together with the use of unified components.
During the years MNS system has become a reference of the industrial market for safety, reliability and overall quality.
The huge ABB know-how about design and construction of low voltage systems for its customers is the result of a mixed experience coming from local and global markets.
The extraordinary know-how together with an extended network for support and assistance all around the world turn MNS into the best choice.
Main features of MNS platform switchgears are flexibility together with high technology content; through this mix it is possible to satisfy all customers’ requests.
Some of the features proposed by MNS are:
ACB and MCCB breakers with fix or withdrawable execution, power cables or bus ductentry either for the top or the bottom, special execution like anti seismic version.
Safety is one of the key points for the development of ABB switchgears;
in fact all the MNS can be supplied in “Arc proof version” up to 100 kA.
The MNS family is composed by three products that can be integrated each other : Power Center and Motor Control Center switchgears type MNS3.0 with front access for the plants where energy distribution together with control and protection of the motors are required. Power Center type MNS R for the distribution of high powers, designed with rear access and the intelligent MCC type MNS iS designed to be connected with superior supervision systems like ECS and DCS, in order to be integrated in modern plants focused on automation.
Thanks to high quality standards, all the MNS switchgears are suitable to be installed in industrial plants with critical conditions like steel plants, refineries, power or chemical plants.







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