
Synchronous motor
High performance in all application

Our synchronous motors are delivering high performance in industrial processes, the marine and offshore sectors, utilities and specialized applications all over the world.
In every case we work with our customers, using our expertise in different applications to tailor the optimum cost-effective solution based on our modular and standardized platforms.

Designed for outstanding levels of reliability and efficiency, our motors not only help our customers to cut operating, maintenance and energy costs, but also to reduce their environmental impact.
Extensive service programs and our global organization ensure that we can support customers over their motors’ entire life cycle.


Fixed speed motors


Fixed speed synchronous motors are typically used in applications such as compressors, fans, pumps, wood grinders and refiners.

In each case we utilize advanced software tools to optimize the motor design for the specific application and ensure that the chosen starting method is appropriate. The results of this work are processed into an easy-to-understand format and incorporated into the technical specification we provide with each proposal.

We can engineer the motor to develop sufficient torque for smooth starting and acceleration with the starting current limited typically to 350 500% of the rated value. If this will result in unacceptable line voltage drops then we can investigate alternative starting methods.

The main factors to be considered in selecting the starting method are the customer’s requirements, network capability and the demands of the process.
The starting methods most commonly used for fixed speed synchronous motors are directon- line (DOL), reactor, autotransformer, Load Commutated Inverter (LCI or ‘soft starter’), capacitor and reactor capacitor.

Variable speed motors

Variable speed synchronous motors are typically used indemanding applications in process industries, and applications where variable speed deliver clear benefits. Rolling mills, mine hoists, pumps, and com-pressors are examples of variable speed applications. Synchronous motors with variable speed drives(VSDs) are also commonly used in the main propulsion system in vessels. In applications such as extruders, compressors and pumps, optimized electrical drive systems based on variable speed motors can provide considerable energy savings.

We supply motors and drives that meet torque requirements over the entire operating range, from zero to maximum process speed. This ensures smooth starting, acceleration and operation.
For the optimum variable speed solution, specify an ABB electrical drive package (ABB synchronous motor combined with an ABB drive such an ABB LCI or an ABB VSI like ACS 5000 or ACS 6000.
When we supply electrical drive packages we apply our engineering and application know-how to ensure that all components, particularly the converter-motor interface, are optimally integrated to meet the needs of the process.
Benefits include special converter-fed motor designs, increased efficiency and improved torque production capabilities.

In each case, we use specialized software tools to optimize the motor design with the converter type best suited for the application.
All common converter types are supported : Load Commutated Inverter (LCI), Cycloconverter (C) and Voltage Source Inverter (VSI).

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  • Tel. 02-423-8863 | Fax. 02-423-8864
  • 천안지사 : 충청남도 천안시 서북구 한들1로 47 201호
  • Tel. 041-415-0399 | Fax. 041-415-1399
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  • Tel. 052-710-3388 | Fax. 052-710-3389