150kVA to 2400kVA
PCS100 Industrial UPS (UOS-I)

Utility voltage sags, surges, and short outages are common and often cause electric and electronic equipment to self protect by switching off.
When this occurs in a critical control operation it can cause the complete shutdown of a facility.
The results of a shutdown maybe considerable –eg : product loss, damaged equipment and lost production time. The PCS100 UPS-I is an ideal solution where very deep sags or short term power outages are a problem.

Product overview

The ABB PCS100 UPS-I is an off line UPS with short time rated energy storage system, coupled to an inverter to allow the downstream load to remain operational through short outrages and very deep sags of up to 30seconds duration.

The autonomy time is dependent on the load and the capacity of the storage system, which can be batteries or ultra capacitors.
The PCS100 UPS-I operates with an on-line like speed of performance due to the revolutionary fast utility disconnect. The modular inverter construction and fail safe electromechanical bypass (optional) provides exceptional reliability and system availability.

User benefits

  • Provides protection against short outrages and very deep sags
  • Protects against utility recloser events
  • Provides back-up during generator start-up following a utility supply failure
  • Allows process loads to ride through common power problems increasing yield, reducing product wastage and improving productivity


  • Very high efficiency(typically 99%)
  • Suited to industrial loads(motors, drives, transformers, tools)
  • Modular design providing high reliability and short repair times
  • Very high fault capacity compared with standard UPS solutions
  • Extensive range of voltages available
  • Small footprint design
  • Custom storage solutions available
  • Not just another data centre UPS but a product designed for the much more demanding requirements of industrial applications

Single line diagram


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